Wallet Management

We're excited to introduce our new feature for managing wallets on our platform! With this feature, you can easily add and manage multiple wallets for your convenience. Follow the steps below to add a new wallet:

1- Login: Log in to your account on our platform using your username and password.

2- Navigate to Wallets: Once logged in, navigate to the "Wallets" or "Manage Wallets" section of your account dashboard.

3- Add New Wallet: Click on the "Add New Wallet" or "Create Wallet" button to begin the process of adding a new wallet.

4- Select Wallet Type: Choose the type of wallet you want to add. We support various types of wallets, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and more.

5- Enter Wallet Details: Enter the required details for the new wallet, such as the wallet name, wallet address, and any other relevant information.

6- Verify and Save: Review the information you've entered carefully to ensure accuracy. Once verified, click on the "Save" or "Add Wallet" button to save the new wallet to your account.

7- Confirmation: You'll receive a confirmation message indicating that the new wallet has been successfully added to your account.

After adding the new wallet, you can view and manage all your wallets from the "Wallets" section of your account dashboard. You can also edit or delete existing wallets as needed.

Last updated