TG Communtiy Management

Telegram Checklist:

  1. Announcement Channel: To inform members about important updates, such as pre-sale start/end times, token distribution, and project developments.

  2. Community Chat: This chat is aimed for members to ask questions, discuss the project, and interact with each other.

  3. Rose Bot: Rose Bot to manage the whitelist process efficiently. The bot can collect user information, verify participants, and engage with them. Feed all the pre-sale related info, from max allocation, to time, to tokens up for sale, to launch date, to every other detail. /filter everything.

  4. Raid Bot: Shilling/Raid Gamification. Engagement based rewards, points viz tokens. Franqy bot to be used.

  5. Filters - Set up quirky and catchy filters. Use cases to be tapped into - fun, quirky bites for engagement, Auto answer FAQs, resource bank etc.

  6. Sticker Packs & Gifs - Customised brand swags.

  7. Admin Moderation: 3 moderators to monitor the community chat round the clock - different time zones, to address user concerns, and enforce community guidelines to enforce disciplinary actions.

  8. FAQ and Resources: Leverage pinned message with FAQs, project details, tokenomics, and useful resources to help educate community members.

  9. Token Distribution Schedule: Clearly communicate the token distribution schedule, including pre-sale allocations, vesting periods (if any), and exchange listings. Automate this via a bot, pre-sale/launch pops timer etc

  10. Engagement Initiatives: Plan engagement initiatives such as AMAs (Ask Me Anything) , every other week, once in TG, once on twitter - basically sessions with the project team, quizzes, contests, and airdrops to incentivize participation and foster community growth.

  11. Customise Welcome Bot - with website link, Roadmap, Socials etc as buttons.

Use a positive and inclusive brand tone. Make users feel privileged and entitled to be part of the community.

Setup affiliate channels - 10% referral for referrer KOLs/ good callers etc.


Create TG

Add Bots

Create Docs/FAQs around common pre sale/project questions

Commission sticker and GIF packs

Plan engagement initiatives


Callers/Paid Shills to push the pre-sale, About 2e budget will be good to gain from popular gamble Channels. 200k+ reach


5% referral for each successful referrer, total pool allocation from marketing 1% towards all engagement activities.

1Mn tokens to be split across:

  1. Referral (500k)

  2. Giveaway - socials , like , rt etc (50k, across 5 draws)

  3. Thread Competition - 250k/500k

Use an automated mixer tool for fair pick.

Discord? TBD.

Last updated