
Token Details:

Name: Own Your Finance

Symbol: $OYF

Type: ERC20

Blockchain (First Phase): Ethereum

Distribution Plan:

Total Supply: 100,000,000 OYF (100Mn)

Max Wallet - 2% Initially


The distribution of OYF ($OYF) is as follows:

Liquidity: 60%

Marketing: 10%

Pre - Sale: 20%

Team - 10%, 1 year locked.

Unlocking mechanism and vesting schedule

1. Pre-sale - 20 Million $OYF

Vested linearly, unlocking 20% of the allocation each week.

2. Liquidity Pool - 60 Million $OYF

60% unlocked on TGE, allocated to Uniswap liquidity.

3. Marketing - 10 Million $OYF


4. Team - 10 Million $OYF

10% allocation - 1 year cliff, 1% unlock per month for a total of 10 months.

Taxes: 6% trades/transfers

Tax Breakdown:

  • 3% - Revshare

  • 3% - Development/Operations

Use Cases Within the Ecosystem:

  1. **Revenue Share to Holders:**Holders of $OYF tokens will receive a share of the project's revenue, creating a passive income stream for the community.

  2. Marketing: 10% of $OYF will be utilized for marketing efforts, ensuring continued visibility and growth.

  3. Liquidity: 60% of the token distribution is allocated for liquidity, providing stability to the $OYF market and facilitating smoother trading.

  4. T**eam Revenue:**A portion of the distribution will be allocated to the team, ensuring sustained development and innovation.

  5. Utility Integration:$OYF will serve as the utility token within the OYF ecosystem, providing access to various services and governance.

6.Cross Chain Migrations:$OYF will facilitate cross-chain migrations, enabling users to seamlessly migrate between different blockchain networks, thereby expanding the user base.

These use cases create a robust ecosystem around $OYF, ensuring its utility, value, and widespread adoption across various functionalities within the OYF project.

Rev-share Criteria & Eligibility:


For every 12 hours you hold (at least 100k) $OYF you will be eligible for revenue share. You can only claim amounts above 0.1E to keep gas costs reasonable. You can claim in ETH or $OYF, claiming in $OYF does not charge the 6% tax. All claims in $OYF have been bought back on the open market.

Claiming Information

You must sign in with your wallet to claim. You may only claim once every 24 hours. If claims are congested or the price is volatile, your $OYF claim may fail. If this happens please try again later.

Reward Forfeiture If you sell or transfer over 250k $OYF you will forfeit the rewards for that epoch

If you sell or transfer your $OYF to a holding below 100k $OYF your entire accrued rev share will be forfeited.

Last updated